Tiramisu’ recipe


As per the many requests he had our Chef Nicola Forti is delighted to share his recipe of the most known italian dessert: il tiramisu’. This is his version, it is very easy to realize … and we hope you will share with us the picture of your creation.

The ingredients

6 egg yolks

130 gr of sugar

50 ml of espresso coffee with sugar

Rum or other liquor to taste

180 gr. mascarpone cheese

200 gr. whipping cream

cacao powder

Savoiardi biscuits to taste

The recipe

Beat egg yolks (not cold) with sugar, slowly add mascarpone cheese (very softly) and at last the whipping cream very slowly (better with a movement from the bottom to the top.

Lightly soak the Savoiardi biscuits into the coffee one at the time. Place them in a container creating a layer. Then distibute the cream all over the layer. Repeat until you have finished your ingredients. Finish with a layer of cream and sprinkle with cocoa powder. Put into the fridge for around 3-4 hours.

Enjoy your tiramisu’!


A creamy delight

Restaurant 100KM, Chef Fabrizio Garatti – Tiramisù classico in tazza

It is one of the most famous Italian desserts, and indeed one of the most tasty: tiramisù, a cake so good and known, but whose origins remain shrouded in mystery..

Even The Washington Post provides some hypotheses about how this dessert was born: certainly there is lot of buzz because Tiramisu is incredibly delicious.
We made a small survey among our chefs: according to some, this dessert was born in Treviso, others say in Piedmont, but they all agree : this sweet is 100% Italian and made of fresh eggs, mascarpone, coffee, biscuits and cocoa.

Apart from technical details, we are glad to introduce you to our Restaurant 100 KMTiramisu classico in tazza“: most tempting way to finish your meal, served with small white and dark chocolate cigarette.